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Phytopharmaca from Indonesia Not Least by Chemical Drugs

Phytopharmaca from Indonesia Not Least by Chemical Drugs

                      Phytopharmaca or herbal medicine that has been proven its safety and usefulness scientifically through preclinical testing and clinical trials of raw materials and has been in the original standardization of Indonesia is not inferior actually with other chemical drugs.

Director of Dexa Laboratories Bimolecular Sciences PT Dexa Medica Raymond Tjandrawinata said, currently in Indonesia there are eight fitofarmaka with the same potential as chemical drugs. Even these herbal remedies can be said to have no side effects provided as directed.

Standardized Herbal Drugs (OHT) and phytopharmaca. According to him, herbal medicine is used for hereditary, only based on experience but safe for certain uses and no standardization. While OHT has standardized its quality.

Phytopharmaca is an herbal medicine that has been proven its safety and efficacy scientifically through preclinical testing and clinical trials of raw materials and finished products have been standardized native to Indonesia.

"This phytopharmaca is a rather complicated process because through human trials, the risk is high because the results may reduce the efficacy of placebo, so if our scientists succeed, then the results are just as effective as chemical drugs

Unfortunately, Indonesia's original phytopharmaca has not been widely known in its own country. And again, there is no single phytopharmaca that enter into National Formulary (Fornas) which entered into the list of drugs covered by National Health Insurance (JKN).

"There is no herbal remedy, but the government is eager to reduce the importation of raw materials," Raymond said.

Raymond said, Indonesia's phytopharmaca has been exported to America, Canada, Asean and expected to enter Europe in the near future. And all the results of his research is also used as evidence that Indonesian medicine is not inferior to other countries.

"We hope that the Indonesian people can get treatment from their own raw materials because overseas patients have also been used, Filiphina, Cambodia and other ASEAN countries," he said.

Using drugs from domestic raw materials, Raymon also hopes to push high drug prices. "Because phytopharmaca is designed to treat pain (anti-inflammatory), unlike herbs or herbal medicines that are preventive promotive
