Benefits of Leaf Betel
Betel is a native Indonesian vine that is commonly chewed with lime and areca nut, the community calls the "nyirih". In the area of NTB (West Nusa Tenggara), the population of the Bayan tribe led by Raden Wira Anom (called Mamiq) is one of the tribes whose society is thick with nyirih culture. According to him, the tradition is a philosophy of life. Limestone is described as bone, and areca is its meat, while betel leaf is part of the body that covers both, so as to create red saliva which is also said as blood. In the medical world, chewing betel is associated with oral cancer and the formation of squamous cell carcinoma that has malignant properties. In addition, the ancestors also often use the betel leaf as a medicinal plant (phytopharmaca) is efficacious cure many diseases. Treatment activities from betel leaf is a legacy of priceless.
Benefits of Leaf Betel
Its anti-septic nature you can use to eliminate body odor due to bacteria or germs. Besides the positive impact of utilization of betel leaf is able to withstand bleeding, accelerate the process of wound healing in one part of the body, and overcome problems in the digestive system.
The medicine from betel leaf can be to overcome the nosebleed (bloody nose), the way by rolling 2 pieces of fresh betel leaf that has been cleaned into the two nostrils until the blood that came out no longer exists.
The content of active ingredients in the form of phenol and kavikol on each sheet of betel leaf forest is often utilized by the community as a natural pesticide to control plant-sucking pests.
Benefits of Betel Leaf
Usefulness of betel leaves in life is still a lot, he contributed in terms of maintaining the health of the human body. Here are the benefits of betel leaf as a medicine for various diseases that are expected to be useful for you.
1. Coughing Sputum and No Sputum
Grab a handful of betel leaves that are still fresh, wash out all the leaves.
Boil in two glasses of water, add also pieces of ginger to give a slightly spicy flavor.
Wait until the water remains one glass, then drink once a day.
2. Sprue
Provide three pieces of betel leaf, wash and boil until wilted.
Rub the results of decoction of leaves, after that stick on the lips or tongue that have sprue.
If the thrush feels better, do continue until healed.
3. Bronchitis
Pick 6 to 7 pieces of betel leaves are still fresh, cut fine.
Boil the betel leaves into a pan with two glasses of water, add a little sugar, then pour on the glass after the remaining half water.
Strain the cooking water and drink three times a day each of three tablespoons.
4. Acne
Prepare the betel leaf to taste, then clean.
Mash until smooth, then brewed into one glass of hot water.
Stir, wait for the water to warm. Use to wash your face.
Do it twice a day until the acne is gone, if not try another alternative that is more effective.
5. Whitish
Wash 10 pieces of fresh betel leaf, then boil them into two and a half liters of boiled water.
Wait to boil and let the temperature warm (not too hot).
Finally, use water to clean the feminine area (female sex organs) on a regular basis.
6. Toothache
Take some betel leaf sheets, then boil them into two glasses of water.
Boil bopai boil and leave a glass of water.
Use boiled water to rinse until the tooth pain disappears.
7. Dengue Fever
Boil 5 pieces of betel leaf in 2 cups boiled water until remaining 1 cup.
Drink boiled water twice a day each 1 cup.
8. The smell of the mouth
Clean 1 sheet of betel leaf originally.
Enter the lime and areca nut, then bend the betel leaf until it closes the two ingredients.
Teeth, chew slowly and enjoy the process for 5 minutes.
Remove the betel leaf from the mouth, remove the reddish saliva.
Feel the freshness in the mouth, and try breathing the scent that is issued must be soothing.
9. Irregular Menstruation
Take 5 pieces of fresh betel leaf, boil in 2 cups water.
Wait for the boil and the remaining 1 cup water, then drink boiled water when warm.
Perform a routine until the problem you encounter is resolved.
10. Asthma
Prepare 7 pieces of betel leaf, 1 teaspoon of white pepper and eucalyptus oil.
Gerus betel leaves are also white pepper until smooth (can also with crushed).
Mix these two crushed ingredients in the eucalyptus oil to taste.
Apply this asthma medication on the chest and neck, lay your body and feel the benefits.
11. Sore throat
Pour 3 pieces of betel leaf in 1 cup hot water.
Wait a few minutes until it cools slightly, then use to gargle with the position of the head looking at the roof or sky.
Make sure some steaming water discharge into the throat (up to the base).
Continue step treatment with this herb until healed.
12. Swollen gums
Take 6 pieces of fresh betel leaf, wash and boil in 3 cups water.
Pour water in a glass, strain and add a little salt.
Next is to use water boiling earlier to rinse 3 times a day.
13. Clean Eye (Overcoming Red Eyes and Itching)
Boil 6 pieces of young betel leaves in 1 cup water.
Wash your eyes slowly using the cooking water for 3 times a day.
If the eye problem recovers, it is not worth the medication you make.
14. Axilla odor
Provide about 30 pieces of betel leaf, put in a container such as a basin.
Pour enough water, then boil until boiling.
Add a little cold water, or you can wait until the water is not too hot.
Use water to take a bath, do not forget to wash both the underarm skin repeatedly.
Keep going until the underarm odor disappears.
15. Burns
Clean 5 pieces of betel leaf, wring out until the water out.
Use juice or juice was to apply skin burns affected.
Beforehand make sure you mix it with a bit of real jungle honey.
16. Koreng
20 pieces of betel leaf you boil until boiling water.
Use water to boil the leaves to be washed on the skin of the scab.
This medicine is also suitable to relieve itching around the scabs.
17. Boils
Mash 10 pieces of betel leaf until completely smooth.
Use it by rubbing it on the skin with boils.
Balut use cloth tightly, leave to dry.
If you have, remove the bandage and apply it with new material.
18. Nosebleeds
You can directly twist the betel leaves to clog the nostrils that bleed out.
19. Gum Bleeding
Pick 10 pieces of betel leaf, clean it first before boiling.
If it is, you pour 5 cups of water in a pan, use to boil the leaves.
Strain and let cool, then use to rinse for a few minutes.
20. Eliminate Itching
You can smear the betel leaf that has been crushed on the surface of the itchy skin, then dressing with a cloth or cloth that has been soaked warm water until the itching subside.
Leaf Betel content
Inside the betel leaf contains many essential oils such as fly oil (betlephenol), starch, diatase, sesquiterpenes, sugar and tannins as well as antioxidants, anti-oxidants and fungicides.
The benefits of betel leaf as a traditional medicine is not separated from the nutrient content and chemical compounds embedded in it. If you successfully treat one of the health problems above using the leaves of this drug, of course, is amazing.
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